
I love food. I think about, talk about it and like to think I can make some of it taste pretty good. My blog is designed to share my food journey with you and all the things I know and love about food. My hope is it will inspire you to not get menu bored.

I learned to cook later in my life. Growing up dinner was something we did, not something we enjoyed. My brothers and I were very picky eaters. Have you ever seen those plates with separated sections? Yup we each had one of those. If food touched that was it, dinner was done. My dad, of course, thought this was hilarious and would point something out on TV or across the room so he could throw a pea into my mashed potatoes. I didn’t love food back then because I didn’t know what it could really be. We were a meat and potatoes family. It wasn’t for my mother’s lack of trying, but we would not eat a lot of things. Often the only vegetable she could get my brother to eat was iceberg lettuce.

There was no cathartic moment that I can put my finger on, but just choosing to step outside what I knew. For a few years after University I worked for a cruise line and it took me all over the world and forced me to try new things. Let’s just say I came to food slowly.

Learning to cook I did completely on my own. Though my mother tried, burnt was typically her flavour of choice (sorry mom). She grew up in a time when chicken that was juicy led to food poisoning. As I started to try things (a lot of pastas at the beginning) I started to enjoy it, started to enjoy the way food tasted not just at a restaurant. When I started to cook for other people I knew I wasn’t terrible, though I still make mistakes, I chalk it up to learning. Making food for people became a whole new way of appreciating food. In fact I told my now husband on one of our first dates that he will know I like him when I cook for him because I don’t just cook for anyone. The first meal I ever made for him…chicken piccata. I think he knew he wanted to marry me that night.

Recently I learned I had a severe food intolerance to eggs and dairy. This was a huge blow to me. I loved brunching and cheese. A life without Brie is hard to imagine. I still sometimes eat cheese and suffer the consequences, but eggs are pretty much out. You will still see some recipes with dairy and sometimes with eggs (though I will provide substitutions because I know I appreciate that in a recipe) I tend to only make them for my husband and he never complains, except when he has to do the dishes.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. LFFL March 25, 2015 / 9:15 pm

    Who doesn’t love good food!!


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