Stock Options

The Menu Board this week is short one as I have some dinners out planned with great friends.

Menu Board Week of Jan 25th
Menu Board Week of Jan 25th

I also had a very busy day in the kitchen today. On any given Sunday I spend about 4 hours in the kitchen. This week had me busy making my lunch for the week (roast turkey 5 grain salad), cashew cream, homemade pasta…which turned into the sausage and lasagna pictured below, and chicken stock.

Butternut Squash and Sausage Lasagna

Every other weekend or so I make chicken stock. I don’t think I have ever bought stock unless it was an emergency and my prep ingredients were low. It started when I was living by myself and trying to save money, now I continue my stock methods because why the hell not! Chicken stock to me is a kitchen sink kind of recipe so I don’t actually have a recipe for it. When I am prepping meals I cut the ends of carrots, onions, celery etc. instead of tossing them I toss them in a freezer bag and in the freezer they go. When I buy chicken breasts, I buy them bone in and cut the breast of the bones and the bones go in the freezer. Sometimes there is leeks, mushrooms, celeriac…whatever veg scraps I make.

Stock in the making

Usually once a bag is full of bones, veg etc I toss it in the stock pot with bay leaves, other herbs I might have drying, peppercorns, celery seed and then fill it with water enough to cover. Bring it all to a boil and reduce to simmer until the stock is concentrated. Voila. Versatile and virtually free chicken stock.

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