Fried Rice, so nice!

After the awesomeness that was the sandwich board last week, we have gone back to a random board with a mixture of proteins and just recipes that make us happy.

Menu Board Week of June 1st
Menu Board Week of June 1st

Last night we made the Thai Basil Chicken and I made a double batch of rice to go with this dish.  I also feel the need to let you know that the Basil came from my container garden on my balcony.  I am very excited to be growing Thai Basil this year.  We have used it in a few meals now.  But back to the rice….

The reason for the double batch of rice is because I wanted to make Pork Fried Rice.  And it is absolutely essential to a good fried rice to have leftover cold rice.  Why you ask?  Simple.  When you put the leftover rice in the fridge and it cools it separates into individual grains of rice.  Perfect for frying.  If you were to use fresh rice the moisture in the rice would end up steaming the dish instead of frying it.  This is after all called Fried rice!

Fried rice is an important dish in China and is sometimes served as the penultimate dish in Chinese banquets, just before dessert.  So while Fried Rice is pretty synonymous with Chinese take-out it is interesting to know that there are many regional ways that fried rice is prepared outside of China.  Nasi Goreng, typically found in Indonesia or Malaysia is a spicier cousin to the Chinese fried rice.  Khao Pad is a Thai style fried rice and is typically made with Jasmine rice, which differs from the Chinese version which is typically a long grain white rice.


But really it comes down to the fact that fried rice is a great way to use up leftovers.  It starts with leftover rice after all.  Add a protein (in this case pork), add chopped vegetables, eggs, soya sauce and rice and you are done in 10 minutes.  You can really add whatever you want to your fried rice, so long as you start with leftover rice!

Pork Fried Rice


  • 2 tablespoons canola oil
  • 1 pound pork cut into 1/2 inch chunks
  • 2 cloves are garlic diced
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 cups cooked rice
  • 1 small red onion, diced
  • 2 eggs, scrambled
  • half red peppers diced
  • 2 large Bok Choy chopped
  • stick of celery chopped
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Sriracha
  • black sesame seeds
  • small handful cilantro finely chopped
Pork Fried RIce
Pork Fried Rice (minus the eggs…that was in the hubby’s dish)


With the wok over medium heat, add a tablespoon of oil and sauté the pork until browned.  Add the onions and sauté until translucent and then add the garlic and ginger.

Add the peppers, bok choy and celery.  You want these to stay crunchy so cook until slightly softened.

Add the other tablespoon of oil and the rice and mix well.

Add the soya sauce and Sriracha and pepper and mix with a scooping motion until the rice is evenly coated with sauce. You will have to break up any remaining clumps of rice with the spatula as best as possible, but no need to be obsessive. The rice should be hot by this time.  I often let this sit for a minute and let the rice on the bottom of the wok get all crispy, this adds a great texture to the rice.

Toss in your eggs, cilantro and black sesame seed. Mix thoroughly for another minute or two and serve!

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