Between 2 Slices

I think I have shared this many times before but I am a sucker for food that comes in packaging.  I realize that sounds weird, but think dim sum dumplings, pierogis, ravioli, empanadas and the list goes on.  Of course this morning I felt the desire to satisfy my need for food in packaging and so the hubby (very willingly I might add) and I decided we needed to visit Pearl Court.  Located in the East End of Toronto (on the east side of the DVP) at Broadview and Gerrard is the East Chinatown and home to Pearl Court, my dim sum happy place.  On weekends they bring out the dim sum carts and food is rolled past you tempting you to try things like the usual Har Gow and Sui Mai, but also chicken feet in oyster sauce and cow tripe with ginger.  For $30 we left very full and satisfied.

So then I was thinking it might be fun to do another themed menu board and I thought about all the things that come in packages. Perhaps the most well known and versatile package is good old bread. So this week we are sticking everything between 2 slices and calling it the Sandwich Board!

Menu Board Week of May 24th
Menu Board Week of May 24th

While I doubt any of you need me to define what makes a sandwich I would imagine you are not as familiar with its history.  The first written usage of the English word appeared in Edward Gibbon’s journal, in longhand, referring to “bits of cold meat” as a “Sandwich”. It was named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, an 18th-century English aristocrat. It is rumoured that he ordered his staff to bring him meat tucked between two pieces of bread, and others, in the fashion of When Harry Met Sally, began to order what Sandwich was having.  It is said that Lord Sandwich was fond of this food as it allowed him to continue playing cards, particularly cribbage, while eating, without using a fork, and without getting his cards greasy from eating meat with his bare hands.  You simply can’t argue with him.  That is why sandwiches are so convenient for picnics.

We tend to eat a lot of sandwiches around these parts so it was not hard to come up with a series of sammies to include for this week.  From this week’s menu bored I think I am most excited about the green goddess sandwich which has a tangy herbed mayo and lots of veggies, and the hubby, well this shouldn’t come as a surprise, is excited for the chicken IN waffles sandwich, a fried chicken breast between 2 waffles and topped with spicy maple syrup.  Be sure to check out my Instagram account for pictures of all this week’s sandwiches.

Cream Ale
Bell City Eureka Cream Ale

And what goes best with a sandwich  Why a beer of course!  This weekend the beer of choice was the Bell City Eureka Cream Ale.  Bell City is based out of Brantford where there is a brewery, tap room and sales area. Named Bell City, for the city where Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, this brewery names their beer after inventors.  Their flagship beer, the Eureka Cream Ale is the only beer currently available in LCBOs (about 100 in Ontario) but is also becoming more and more available is restaurants in the GTA including some of our nearby favourites like Mugshot Tavern and Tallboys.  The Cream Ale is a pre-prohibition ale that is creamy with a velvety mouth feel with a good depth of malt and hops.  Simply put, thirst quenching on a hot Sunday afternoon as I prep fried chicken in my tiny kitchen.


This week I am enjoying a week off (well enjoyment would be greater if it would stop raining!). It is a staycation. They often are as my partner does not get as much vacation time as I am fortunate to have.  My vacations (at home and abroad) usually revolve around food.  Not that that should come as a surprise to any of you reading this blog.

Menu Board for Week of April 20-24
Menu Board for Week of April 20-24

On foodcations I usually engage in a variety of food activities.  I will typically try my hand at making things that are labour intensive (as I have the time) and that I have always wanted to try.  This week that big ticket item is Ramen.  We often find ourselves at Kinton at least twice a month and more often in the winter when all you want is warm slurpy noodles and decadent broth.

I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try my hand at making my own broth.  I know it won’t taste like Kinton, but chances are it won’t be terrible (fingers crossed) and if it is, Kinton is not far away.

On foodcations I also often also eat out.  Again not a surprise, but I don’t often talk about the places we eat in this blog.  Foodcations are a great opportunity to try out restaurants you have been wanting to go to, but that might require a reservation or that you just can’t seem to get to for whatever reason.  One such place I went to today.

Mean Bao - Pork Belly and Braised Beef
Mean Bao – Pork Belly and Braised Beef

It is not a bustling, trendy, hard to get into place, but it is one I have been meaning to get to for awhile.  Mean Bao is small with limited seating, has only a handful of items on their menu (mostly bao and dumplings) but delivers a flavour packed punch in a wrapper.  I am a SUCKER for anything that comes in a food package….pierogi’s, stuffed pasta like ravioli, dumplings, patties you name it, if it comes in a food made package I will eat it and probably love it.  I tried the pork belly bao, because well, it’s pork belly, nuff said. I also tried the braised beef bao.  Both were delicious and had a good ratio of bun, meat and veg.  I opted to only have 2 bao, but could easily have eaten the whole menu.  I found the bao to be larger than some of the more “trendy” competitors *cough* momofuku *cough* and the pork belly to be more plentiful.  Definitely glad I was able to make the time to get there….now I just need to make the time to get back and try everything else on the menu!

Keeping on the food package train I tried my hand at making a Po’boy sandwich.  This past weekend marked mine and the hubby’s 6 month wedding anniversary and it had me nostalgic for our honeymoon which was spent in New Orleans doing what we do best, eating and drinking. Recipe is below.

Have you ever had a foodcation?  What did you do, where did you eat?  I would love to know.

Calamari Po’Boy


Calamari Po'boy
Calamari Po’boy


  • 2 cups canola oil
  • 3/4 cup semolina flour
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1 1/2 pounds calamari rings


  • Baguette, cut into 6″ buns
  • Coleslaw (dressed however you prefer)
  • Hot Sauce
  • Sliced Pickles
  • Cilantro


– In a large heavy-bottomed skillet, heat the canola oil over medium-high heat to 360 degrees F.
– In a large bowl, stir together the cornstarch and flour with a generous amount of salt and pepper. Toss the squid in the cornstarch, being sure to completely coat.
– Working in batches, lift the squid from the cornstarch, shaking to remove any excess, and carefully place in the oil. Fry until lightly golden and crisp, 3 to 4 minutes. Remove from the oil and drain on a p lined with papertowel. Repeat with the remaining squid.
– Toast the buns in the oven under the broiler until they are crispy and just starting to brown.
– Fill the buns with the coleslaw. Top with pickles and calamari. Add hot sauce and cilantro and dig in!